Thursday, February 26, 2009

The First Chapter

"Every night Abba brought home wads of dollars that Ma collected in a silk bag she bought in Chinatown." Page 8
This sentence was interesting to me because Nadira and her family are Indian, yet Ma went in to Chinatown and bought a silk bag. That just stood out because it shows how much of a melting pot our nation is.

"She looks gratefully at Aisha, and my stomach twists with jealousy." Page 7
After I read this, I felt sorry for Nadira. She seems to always come second to Aisha, and this is just the first chapter! Maybe this foreshadowing of something happening to Aisha later in the book? To tell you the truth I wouldn't be very sad if something happened to Aisha. To me, she's the snobby older sister and Nadira is hiding behind her shadow.


  1. Good point about Nadira always coming second. I wonder if that is a foreshadow... I like the word "twists" it really shows how Nardira is feeling.

  2. I agree completely. It seems like she feels down on by her parents because of her sisters success and stuff but maybe in the end Nadira will shine as much as Aisha. Who knows! I like the quotes you chose it's a really great representation of the book so far.
