Friday, March 13, 2009

The Big Shift

"I wish I could just put a hand to her skin, stop her whirring inside." Page 93

When I read Nadira saying this, I was surprised. Nadira was going back to being nice to her sister and it seems like she feels sorry for her sister. Aisha is crumbling before Nadira's eyes. The way the sisters are acting twords each other has changed tremendously. I remember Kat saying that she expected Nadira to to do something awful to Aisha, like destroying her chances at college. While I am a little sad that she didn't do anything, I also think that it would just make the book more confusing emotionally. Another quote I found that make me feel the same thing as this one is, "That's when I realize that Aisha just let me into to her life because she's feeling left out of her own." Page 91 I thought of a metaphor for this book, it's like jumping into a pool. You get the courage to jump(go to Canada); take the plunge(suffer the consequences); come to the surface(make it through). I no longer know who to feel sorry for. Who do you feel sorry for or do you feel sorry for anyone?


  1. Thanks Claire for mentioning me! :D
    I love your jumping into the pool metaphor. It really gave me a different perspective about the whole book, and you did an awesome job of showing each step. I agree with you when you said:
    "Aisha is crumbling before Nadira's eyes. The way the sisters are acting twords each other has changed tremendously."
    They have gotten closer together!
    Right now, I'm feeling sorry for Nadira, she has to put up with everything! Not only does she have to deal with her family being separated, she has to deal with an older sister who can't deal with it like an adult, even though she tries.
    (By the way...I would be a stick of butter, a spoon, and three chihuahuas! (1st to vote! yay!)

  2. Apologies to Dan for using his stick of butter and three chihuahuas, but it fit so well. To Kat, I see what you're saying about why you feel sorry for Nadira. I like your point about Aisha not dealing with it like an adult, although she acts like one.

  3. Thanks! Great Blog! Yeah...Aisha seems like a girl who wants to be younger and enjoy her childhood, but got caught up in the people around her telling her to grow up.

  4. I really like your blog Claire, you did a really good job of showing how you really felt. Kat you made a really good comment above, about how Aisha wants to be younger but gets caught up in other people's lives. I think in the beginning of the book Aisha seemed more like the older one but know that her friends are taking about college and internships she wants to be younger because she might not be given that opportunity. I feel sorry for all of the characters in the book. They are all going threw a lot right now. I think if I answered this question in the beginning of the book I would have felt bad for Nadira because Aisha wasn't treating her nicely.

  5. I feel bad for Auntie. She finally got her husband back, and now he is acting all weird, and she doesn't know what's going on. I agree with Rebecca when she said that at the beginning of the book, Aisha was the more adult one, and Nadira was more of the child. It totally seems like the opposite now.

  6. Now that you mention Auntie I feel bad for her because Uncle is back from jail but is skinny, hasn't eaten and is acting very strange. I find it interesting how he keeps repeating "I was lucky". When Uncle was in jail he must have seen people that were less fortunate them him, which is really sad. I wonder what is going to happen to Auntie, Uncle, and Taslima because they only have 30 days to get there papers straight.

  7. I think I feel most sorry for Auntie and Lily. Auntie because she's going through everything that the other are, AND she has to deal with what is going on with her daughter and nieces. She already has so much to deal with and the girls aren't making it any easier. I feel bad for Lily because she is also going through a tough time with her family, and Nadira is becoming more distant. Lily and Nadira both need some support right now, and I think they could really help each other if Nadira would open up.

  8. Alissa, I think that Nadira wants to open up, but she can't. Being illegal is something that she has hid her entire life, and she can't just talk about it all of a sudden...

    I feel bad for Uncle. He had to suffer through the hell that is prison, he was tortured and beaten (The multiple mentions of the cuts and bruises and stuff), and now even though he wont show it, I'm pretty sure he's scared.

  9. Woops! That post by Alex was actually by me! She was logged in on my computer yesterday, sorry!

  10. I see what you're saying Maya. It's true that she can't open up with Lily as much as maybe she wants too, but she can still help her friend out, can't she?

  11. Yeah your metaphor totally makes sense Claire. Alex I also agree with you. Maybe the reason why she can't open up to her is because she is an illegal immigrant. But then again she is her best friend. Why not tell her?

  12. ...always copy and paste your comments, guys.

    Claire, really good way of explaining it, I liked your metaphor. (and it was awesome linking as well, but the first one gave me a 404.)

    I don't feel bad for Aisha. She put up a flimsy front, rehearsed how she would face minor everyday problems, in school, and friends and stuff, but she never prepared her shield for something like this, so now that there's a major problem, her character doesn't know how to deal with it, and shuts down, bringing herself with it.
    Does that make any sense to anyone besides me?

  13. I fixed the link Julia, sorry. What you said makes complete sense to me, Julia. I personally think Uncle was abused in jail, like literally hurt. I also think the reason Nadira can't tell lily is because Nadira is illegal and telling Lily may put her family in jeopardy.

  14. I agree with Becca, at the beginning of the book I felt bad for Nadira, but now i don't know who to feel sorry for, either everyone, or no one. I agree with Sara L, that it feels like Aisha is the child and Nadira is the adult unlike at the beginning of the book. I agree with Alissa that if Nadira and Lily hung out again, they would both feel better, but I agree with Maya that she can't really open up to her. And I totally forgot about Lily, I feel bad for her. I think Maya is right, Uncle is scared and that's why he seems different, he just doesn't show it. I agree with Dennyce, I think maybe she could risk telling Lily about her problems because she is her best friend right? But Claire, that is true that it may put her family in jeopardy, didn't think about that. Julia, you made a very good point about why you don't feel bad for Aisha, but who do you feel bad for? And it totally makes sense Julia.

  15. Yay! Glad to hear I'm not completely crazy. Oh, and thanks Claire, I get it now.
    I don't know. Am I supposed to feel bad for one of the characters? I think that all of them are in a really bad situation right now, and that sucks. Uncle is afraid, and afraid to show it, of course. I don't think you would like your government either if they threw you in jail and abused you. You might even be afraid. Just a little.

    I think it's neat what Taslima is doing. She kind of gets to lead a double life. She is... I dunno, going undercover almost, and fighting for what she believes in, joining together with others, and shaking the government by the shoulders. It's just that in this situation, the government is the Hulk.

  16. Claire I really like you log, it does a good job explaining your position on things! :) Also love your metaphor! I like how you put a link to the dictionary web site so if someone didn't know what the word meant they could just click on it and also i like how you had more than one quote.

  17. I also like the 'jumping in the pool" metaphor, and I could use it to describe stuff in my own life. You made some good points and I agree with Megan.

  18. Of course I feel sorry for Nadira and Aisha because their dad was taken away from them and their mother isn't with them, and I also feel sorry for their aunt and Taslima and doubley for Aisha and Nadira because their uncle was taken away. Great metaphor about jumping into the pool, and nice picture too! I could see (literally) what you were talking about!

  19. Julia, I don't really see how Taslima is leading a double life. To me it seems like she used to lead the life of a student, and nowadays she gave up on that life and began to be more of a protester. So, I don't really see it as a double life. Wanna elaborate on how you see it that way?

  20. Julia, I get how your not sure if you should feel bad for a character, I am not sure either. I do, I feel sorry for most of the characters because almost all of them have lost someone. What I don't understand is if the book wants me to feel bad...

  21. I agree with Maya that Taslima is not leading a double life. I guess in a way, all undocumented immigrents lead a double life because they have to act normal, but really they can't let anyone new into their life. Thats not really what you were getting at, Claire, but love the log anyway!!

  22. I really agree what Alissa and Lighthall said about feeling bad for Auntie and Lily. Claire, I really like how you said, "crumbling before Nadira's eyes." Also, Talia, good point. I felt bad for Nadira, but I'm not sure if I feel bad for her anymore because she doesn't exactly seem compassionate.

  23. Nickie's comment was posted while I was writing, so I'm going to comment on that again. I agree completely with Nickie and Maya and the whole double life thing. It must REALLY suck and I would hate to be forced to live like that.

  24. I don't agree with Julia that Taslima is leading a double life even though I agree with Nickie that immigrants do kind of lead a double life because of what they're going through. So Taslima is kind of leading a double life...
