Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In an Instant

"An instant later she's gone from the stage." Page 152
This is just like the family's life. They went to Canada and her father got detained in what seems like a flash. Nadira got them out of detainment in an instant. I know it just seems like an instant, although in real life it would have been weeks or months for these things to happen. I just thought the quote was sleek and simple. A very cool sentence.

"And we do as he taught us. We hold our breath, then let them out, bit by bit. We push forward into the unknown. Go." Page 159
The ending line. A little line with so much to say. It's also jumbled up into a sort of mess. The first two sentences were mentioned earlier in the book. Abba told Nadira, while teaching her to swim, to breath because it will get her through everything. I personally think that breathing is very good advice to give anyone. The second part was a little more confusing. Although when you think about it, it's not that confusing. As a world we are always moving forward. Time is always ticking, isn't it? Go. Huh? That's all I have to say about that.

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